not everything in this life is black and white

"Katie Bug"

She is a doll.
An absolute doll!
When we went ot visit April and Pete, Katie was so darn cute! She talks all the time and wants lots and lots of attention.

She was so fun to watch when she was playing - such an imagination! Here she is acting like a puppy dog... 
And driving a car at the grocery store...
And playing with her buddy, Maddie...
And pretending to take a nap with her new "Luncle Lamar".
I can't believe I actually posted that last picture with Lamar wearing that ridiculous shirt - he's "so fresh" huh?


my favorite quote

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." Douglas Adams

current time where we live

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about this blog

Although I have been blogging since 2007, this blog is new for me. It signifies the union of the Buntons and the Cokers to create one big, happy family - we hope...

I want this blog to be a place to show off pictures of the kids, to share exciting news, to tell silly stories and maybe even a few sad ones. I want this blog to be a record of our family as we grow and learn and love throughout the years.

I hope that those of you who follow our blog enjoy some of my musings. I hope it makes you smile and maybe even laugh a little bit. I hope that some of you even take the time to comment on different posts.

A friend of mine once said something that I love: "I smile because I have no idea what is going on!" Well, this blog is a way for me to sit down and remember what has gone on each month - and hopefully that will be the reason that I am smiling.

lamar and kim

lamar and kim







