Isn't this picture cool? One of the students in Jon's photography class took this of him holding a preying mantis. I love the way it turned out!
"Stuffed" in a locker...
So we went to the high school open house tonight and Abbie came with us. When we went to see where Jonathan's locker was at, it was clear that Abbie was small enough to fit right into it - even though it isn't even a full size locker!
Too funny that she fit quite comfortably and there was still probably enough room to fit Derek inside too!
Finding love in the strangest of places...
Lamar and I went for a walk tonight down by the river. I looked down and saw this heart-shaped leaf on the sidewalk. I called it our "love leaf".
Panic Attack
This morning when I walked into Sammy's room I discovered her bed a mess. Her explanation?
"I think I had a panic attack last night!"
Bulging Biceps
Funny story...
Lamar went to the dentist today. That isn't the funny part - although it has been forever since he went to the dentist. When he got back home, he told me they couldn't take his blood pressure. I was momentarily confused...until he explained that it was because his biceps were too big around!
Duct Tape
He asked for it...really.
Tonight Jonathan and Danny were bored. They came upstairs and asked me permission to have Lamar duct tape Jonathan upside down to the pole in the basement. Of course, I agreed, but only if I could take the pictures.
Animal Shelter Visit
Today we took Derek and Abbie with us to the animal shelter. It was too wet outside to take any of the dogs outside, but they had a good time anyway.
It was an unusual day for a wedding.
I woke up and went for a run. Took a shower. Did some laundry and went grocery shopping.
I vacuumed the floor and then realized that it was almost 3:00 pm. Since the wedding was scheduled for 4:00 pm, I figured that I should go ahead and get showered and ready to go.